The SDC is open to everyone. Without our community members being involved, we wouldn’t be here. Our membership is made up of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, straight individuals and everyone in between.
What Sets Us Apart from Everyone Else?
One might wonder, what sets the SDC apart from other local charitable organizations. Well besides the big hair, bigger jewels and the over-the-top regal attire, it’s our attitude. The glitz and glamour is how we have fun, but while we’re at it, we open our hearts and give our time and energy to raising money for our beneficiaries.
Our members are people who have chosen to make a commitment, get involved and make a difference in the LGBTQ+ community. Our membership is broad and varied: actors, designers, hairdressers, performers, accountants, teachers, florists, jewelers, and more!
Become a Member
Membership in the Silver Dollar Court, Inc. of Reno is open to all throughout the year — we are completely and unmistakably inclusive. Our Board of Director meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month at 6:30PM. Board meetings are open to the public, and the public is encouraged to attend!
Application for Board Trustee 2022
Have You Ever Wondered What it Would Be Like to Be Royalty?
It could happen to you by joining one of the most fun groups in town! New members join the Court as a general member, and based on dedication to the Court and its causes, one can be elevated in rank all the way to Imperial Crown Prince Royale or Imperial Crown Princess Royale. Those who work the hardest and help to raise the most money for the Court’s charities may even be rewarded by being elected Emperor or Empress — not just an honor, but an obligation and a community commitment.
The Monarchs represent the Court at dozens of events, not only our own, but also those of other organizations and causes. They travel with their entourages to other kingdoms across the USA, Canada and Mexico, and dress and behave with the dignity and elegance of royalty as seen throughout the ages. Talk about camp! We bow, we curtsy, we behead (just kidding) and continually raise money and social awareness. It must be said here that all jewelry, travel, and dress are at the complete expense of each member’s personal purse — no money raised by the Court goes to our trinkets or travels. All profits go to the beneficiaries selected for each event. From time to time, we will earmark our donations to specific projects or needs.
For more information about us and how to be part of the most glamorous party in town, email us at: